ANALİZ / ESSAYAnaliz / EssayCumhuriyetin 100 Yılı / 100 Years of the RepublicORTA DOĞU / MENATÜRKİYE / TURKEYUS-Turkey Relations in The Context of Syria: Crossroads for New Bilateral and Regional Alignments - Derya Göçer Derya Gocer Mart 18, 2023Okuma Süresi: 7 dk. Tunisian uprising in late 2010 inspired different segments across the…Read more
ANALİZ / ESSAYAnaliz / EssayCumhuriyetin 100 Yılı / 100 Years of the RepublicORTA DOĞU / MENATÜRKİYE / TURKEYThe Nuclear Deal and its Ramifications for Turkey-US Relations - Zelal Özdemir Zelal Ozdemir Mart 11, 2023Okuma Süresi: 12 dk. The nuclear agreement between the United States and Iran on July 14…Read more
ANALİZ / ESSAYAnaliz / EssayTÜRKİYE / TURKEYThe US and the Middle East in the Context of Shifting Global and Regional Politics- Meliha Benli Altunışık Meliha Benli Altunisik Kasım 23, 2022Okuma Süresi: 9 dk. In recent years, one of the primary debates in the study…Read more