Turkey as a Partner and Challenge for European Security, Migration and Asylum

Okuma Süresi: 2 dk.

The concept of state security from the Peace of Westphalia until the late 1990s was mainly defined on the basis of military conflicts between states, and permanent or temporary supranational ensembles. This has considerably changed since the end of the Cold War. The issues that have been attracting attention most especially in the West, have been non-state armed organizations and uncontrolled human mobility.

M. Murat Erdoğan, Prof. Dr., Turkish-German University

Prof. Dr. M. Murat Erdoğan is the Director of the Turkish-German University Center for Migration and Integration Studies, a political scientist, a member of the International Metropolis Board of Directors, and a member of the UNESCO-Turkey Communication Committee. Between 2010-2017 he was the founding director of the Center for Migration and Politics Studies of Hacettepe University. He conducts comprehensive and regular public opinion surveys titled “Euro-Turks-Barometer” on the Turkish diaspora in Europe and “Syrian Barometer” on the Syrians in Turkey. His last article was published in the journal International Migration.

Markos Papakonstantis, Asst. Prof. Dr., Panteion University

Lawyer Markos Papakonstantis is an assistant professor at Panteion University in Athens. He teaches European law and EU policies. He has taught at many universities in Greece and abroad. He has worked as an external collaborator of the European Commission in Morocco, as a collaborator of Greek MEPs and as a scientific collaborator in the offices of Greek ministers. He has made a large number of publications and presentations in Greece and abroad on issues of national and European immigration policy, EU asylum policy, EU external relations, EU internal security, CFSP, European institutions, management of the EU external borders.  

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